Monday, November 29, 2010

Germany's big screw over

I feel really bad for Germany. I mean wither or not it was Germany's fault in starting the war, Germany didn't deserve that harsh of a punishment. All oversea colonies were taken from Germany's possession the coaling mine region was taken from them by France. Not to mention Germany is not allowed to join the league of nations because of the treaty.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

League of Failures

I will never understand why the league of nations was formed in the first place. I understand that it was created in order to create a balance or authority over the world but even still the guy Woodrow Wilson, the person who created the League of Nations refused to even participate in it. Not only that the countries that were a part of it were weakened greatly from WWI so they couldn't financially support themselves as well as the whole world. Not to mention the fact they could barely keep other countries from going to war with each other like with Italy and Albania in 1923.

Band of Brothers Reflections

Sense I was already a big WWII junkie even before I read the novel, most of the stuff I read in that book came to no big surprise. However what I have learned is the harsh boot camp training all the recruits had to suffer through. The drill instructors were really harsh and brutal not to mention the fact that almost everyone hated their guts. I wonder if the same thing is happening to modern day soldiers in boot camps or if their policy has changed at all?

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Did the Central Powers and the Allies really believe that the new technology would turn the tide of the battle? I mean in any case it more or less it prolonged the war much more further than it needed to be. The British only used poision gas to attack a German position and it came back to bite them really bad and the Germans used poision gas and flame throwers to try to take down the fortress and Verdun but that ended as another failure. So I wonder if the commanders put too much trust in the new technology, or if its just bad stratagey, or if the new technology wasn't ready to make a significant break through.  

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The Japanese with Allies in WWI????

I know that I was ignorant from that information since my knowledge leans more to WWII not WWI. But when I learned that the Japanese was actually with the Allies during WWII helping us against the Axis I was very surprised and a little shocked. I always viewed the Japanese as being against the Allies not working with them. I also found it a little ironic because we bascially handed over China over to Japan to help start their imperialistic march.